What's Up with Val?
One of the biggest differences between coaching and counseling is that your coach is an equal partner with you. That means I don't have all the answers, my role is to engage you to the point where you reach your own answers. That also means there will be times when I gain insight and inspiration through coaching you. We are partners, which is why the need for sharing and transparency is important. This page is dedicated to updating you on what has been going on with me.
Summer flew by way too fast! June started off with a blast spending time in New Jersey at two big events with friends and family. Unfortunately I returned with COVID but thankfully recovered fairly quickly with no lingering issues. I celebrated my birthday in July with hubby and friends (including a weekend in Charleston, SC one of my favorite places), and flew to the San Francisco area in August for an awesome weekend with our son.
By September, I was at the top of my weight range again, which always gets me a little depressed. I also started falling into all the political frenzy which added feelings of being overwhelmed to the mix. I realized that with such a busy summer and lack of focus, I had fallen back on spending quality time with God in the mornings, praying, reading scripture, and writing in my journal. Earlier in the year I had also developed a routine of reading and reciting positive affirmations (i.e. "I am beautiful and make healthy eating choices") which had fallen off my radar. I re-scheduled my annual physical exam three times thinking, "I need to get back on track first", UGH!
Since the beginning of October, I have been back on track (for the most part). Intermittent fasting (Noon-8pm) works well for me, and I am being more intentional about making healthy food choices and leveraging that quiet time with the Lord. While I am very passionate about politics (specifically the fact that we all NEED to vote), I am ultimately giving that internal stress over to God too. AND...that annual physical exam is happening this week!
Professionally, things have been great. I've spoken at several large events over the past six months and have been working with a few organizations on navigating change, which is a big deal.
My message to you: We all get caught up and distracted by life sometimes, even (or especially) those God calls to lead others. The key is acknowledging when you are out of balance and getting back on track. Hopefully my sharing inspires you. Please pray for me as I continue to pray for you!
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.